Let's start with AJ. Do you remember in Call of the Cutie Applejack said to Applebloom, "You know, I was the last pony in my class to get a cutie mark." Then, when Applejack was about to tell the CMCs how she got her cutie mark in The Cutie Mark Chronicles, she said, "Well shoot, I was just a little filly, even littler than ya'll." If ponies get their cutie marks when they are about the CMC's age, and Applejack got her cutie mark when she was even littler, she had to be one of the first in her class to get a cutie mark. AJ's story is a LIE! That is unless she was lying when she said she was the last in her class to get their cutie mark. Either way, the element of honest lied!
Next, let's do Twilight. Do you remember in the very first episode of the show, Spike told Fluttershy, "I started out as a cute, little, purple, and green egg?" But, in Twilight's cutie mark flashback, the egg was purple and purple! Not purple and green. Not green and purple! Purple and purple! Twilight Sparkle, you're story is a LIE! Unless Spike was lying when he described his egg. He was just born so he probably doesn't even remember the color of his egg. Also, Twilight was a little filly and she might be remembering the purple and green egg as purple only. Twilight's story may not be a lie. It may just be false memory.
Rainbow Dash's turn. Rainbow Dash said she was the first pony in her class to get a cutie mark in Call of the Cutie. During RD's cutie mark story, other ponies she was having the race against had cutie marks before RD got hers. Is Rainbow Dash's story a LIE?! Or was she lying when she said she was the first in her class to get a cutie mark? Rainbow does seem like the kind of pony who would lie to make themselves look better because she is kind of full of herself. Maybe the pony who had the cutie mark wasn't in her class. By "class" she might have been referring to her class in flight camp. "Class" probably was referring to her class from the schoolhouse where she very well could have been the first to get a cutie mark.
Finally is Pinkie Pie. In the second episode of the show during Pinkie's no fear song she said Granny Pie told her to laugh to make Pinkie's fears disappear. When Pinkie Pie was telling her cutie mark story, she started out by saying, "My sisters and I were raised on a rock farm outside of Ponyville. There was no talking. There was no smiling." If there was no talking, then how could Granny Pie tell Pinkie to laugh. Also, laughing usually involves smiling. Could Pinkie Pie be Pinkie LIE?! Or could Granny Pie tell Pinkie to laugh after Pinkie threw the big party and saw the rainbow and they all learned to smile?
That is all the stories that might be lies. But maybe the lies could be stuff like "I was first in my class to get a cutie mark," or "I started out a cute, little, purple, and green egg." We don't know, but some things don't fit together. There is definitely something weird. Thanks for reading these long post full of accusations and evidence. :)
The picture is from http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/ec3ee924f27ea53757ab9b2e311eae3b/9794%20-%20applejack%20apple_bloo. Click the link to make the picture bigger so you can read it.
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